Partner Workouts
Try this series for a fun challenge with another person.
8 Episodes

| Follow along with the two movements to make your muscles SWOLE!
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Partner Power 2.0
| Test your problem solving skills with a partner EMOM. EMOM means Every Minute on the Minute.
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| In this Hy-Vee KidsFit Challenge we will work with a partner to test our stretching and stability. No partner, no problem. We will show you ways you can complete this challenge solo. Join the Club to help make the healthy choice easy, fun and rewarding at home or school.
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Pyramid Power
| In this Hy-Vee KidsFit Partner Challenge we will be working through a pyramid of power using two basic movements Burpees & Lunges.
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Adding for Endurance
| In this Hy-Vee KidsFit Challenge we will be testing your problem solving skills and work on adding with a partner.
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Partner Power
| Enjoy this fun team activity! Take breaks as needed but try to complete the repetitions in one minute. If you are consistently running over on time, reduce the number of repetitions of the exercise. For example, if you can only complete 10 plank high-fives per minute, try to consistently get those repetitions each minute.
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You Go, I Go!
| Alternate repetitions with your partner for each exercise! Have fun and take breaks when needed. - Burpees - Sit-Ups - Push-Ups Modify the exercise as needed. To make the workout harder increase the number of repetitions for each exercise. For more fun & free workouts, sign up for the 5-Week Challenge at
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Throwback Fitness
| You can do this workout outside or inside your home. You and your partner can have fun completing this ‘Throw Back’ workout together.
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