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Good coordination will help overall movement on the playground and in athletics. We will be using a sensory ball, basketball, and tennis ball, as well as a partner to help us through these drills. If you don’t have access to these specific types of balls or a partner, don’t sweat it! Find something comparable to each of them, such as a beach ball, volleyball, balloon, balled up socks, or a whiffle ball. If you don’t have a partner, check with an adult to use a wall at your home.
Related Resources

Dominate the Details
| Switch it up and help your kids flex their focus and attention with Jake's dominate the details workout! Grab a tennis ball and tone down the intensity to improve hand-eye coordination.
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Sport Specific
| While these activities may be sport specific, anyone can get in on the action! These are skills and abilities that can benefit everyone and are a fun way to get up and active while you’re stuck at home. Sports Specific is all about practicing skills and movements that relate to sports like speed, agility, and explosiveness. Jake won't forget to add in movements that combine strength, speed, and coordination.
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| Developing your balance is a key component to improve your skills to allow your body and mind to move.
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