100 Rep Challenge
Download worksheetYou are your only competition! When learning new things, your focus should all be on you. The best way to improve over time is to show up each day and commit to bettering yourself. Repetition can help you improve over time. Remember, progress is better than perfection. New tasks and activities can be tricky at first, but with repetition you will get the hang of it in no time! Tracking your repetitions of an activity can help you see your improvements.
One way to better yourself is to get active!! Workouts are a great activity for you to track your progress and see improvements. Try our 100 rep challenge and show us YOUR personal best.
Here's How You Do It!
- Learn the 10 movements
- Burpees
- Sit-ups
- Squats
- Push-ups
- Mountain Climbers
- Superhumans
- Inch Worms
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Lunges
- Jumping Jacks
- Print your Hy-Vee KidsFit All-Star 100 Rep Challenge Card
- Start a timer
- Complete each movement 10 times before moving onto the next movement
- Stop the timer & record your score on your All-Star Card
- Repeat every 3-4 days to try to improve your completion time
Remember, each time you complete this workout record it on your ALL-STAR card to show us YOUR personal best.
Related Resources

How To's
- Play
- Learn
- Rookie
- Pro
- All Star

Upper Body Strength
| Build strength in your upper body and follow along with these exercises. Repeat these challenges to help feel your best. Join the Club for more ways to make your health a priority at home. www.hyveekidsfit.com
- Play
- Learn
- Rookie
- Pro
- All Star

Lower Body Moves
| Lower body moves will target the muscles in our legs and bottoms. Strong legs can help us run faster and jump higher!
- Play
- Pro
- All Star