New ways to follow along and learn to love to move.
5 Episodes

Static Lower Body Stretching
| Static stretching is focusing on a single muscle group and stretching it to YOUR furthest point, without pain and hold for at least 15 to 20 seconds. Static stretching is best done AFTER your body is warm. Let’s get warmed up and then go through some lower body static stretching. For more challeges, join the KIDSFIT CLUB at www.hy-veekidsfit.com
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Standing Yoga
| In this series on Flexibility , we are practicing yoga. Yoga blends your brain, breath and body together like a team to improve your flexibility. Move along with us and join the KidsFit Club for FREE, fun ways to make moving rewarding at home. www.hy-veekidsfit.com
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Seated Yoga Flexibility
| Even when you are sitting down, you can still move your body, bend and stretch to awake your energy and feel calm, alert and focused! Let’s settle into a chair and give this a try! For more ways to make moving fun, join the KidsFit Club at www.hy-veekidsfit.com
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Dynamic Stretching
| Dynamic stretching is a movement based stretching. These movements today are a great warm up for any workout! For more KidsFit Club Challenges, join the club at www.hy-veekidsfit.com
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Upper Body Stretching
| Static Upper Body Stretching is focusing on a single muscle above your waist and stretching it to YOUR furthest point, without pain and hold for at least 15 to 20 seconds. Follow along with a quick warm up and then stretch our Upper Body. Join the Club for more ways to challenge yourself, www.hy-veekidsfit.com
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