Skill-Related Fitness
Repeat this series and continue to improve your Skill-Related Components of Fitness to make you a life longer mover with HY-VEE KIDSFIT
6 Episodes

| Speed is how fast you can move. Training speed helps you become faster. Learning correct techniques of running reduces your chances of injury. Today we will be using some progressions to learn how to accelerate, improve your gait, and work on running technique to be the most efficient runner.
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| . Agility is the ability to change directions quickly. Let’s get great to follow along and practice some progressions to learn how to speed up or slow down quickly, change directions and work on our lateral explosiveness.
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| Developing your balance is a key component to improve your skills to allow your body and mind to move.
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| Good coordination will help overall movement on the playground and in athletics. We will be using a sensory ball, basketball, and tennis ball, as well as a partner to help us through these drills. If you don’t have access to these specific types of balls or a partner, don’t sweat it! Find something comparable to each of them, such as a beach ball, volleyball, balloon, balled up socks, or a whiffle ball. If you don’t have a partner, check with an adult to use a wall at your home.
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Reaction Time
| Reaction time is the speed your body reacts to an outside stimulus. This is important in the classroom, athletics, and in all areas of life now and as you get older. Today we will be using special effects of lights on the screen to work on our reaction time.
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| Power is the body’s ability to produce max force in a short amount of time. Power can be trained in different ways but today we will be focusing on JUMPING. For more challenges, join the club at
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